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Dr. Arnold Stalk Veterans Village

For June we will be presenting a video about Dr. Stalk's, Veterans Village and what it does for veterans in the local area. We will also have a quick presentation on the Website and what can be found on it that would be helpful to our members.

The meeting will also highlight the presentation of 12 Quilts of Valor to the 12 World War 2 veterans we have been able to contact. We will finish up with a Freedom is not Free presentation centering on our World War 2 and Korea vets. Here are the abbreviated bio's on some of the Freedom is not Free veterans

Davis Leonard – WWII B-26 Navigator/Bombardier flew 65 combat missions over Europe. Earned the DFC and the French Legion of Honor. Attained the rank of Master Sargent


Louis Caras – Korean War Infantry Officer fought all the way to the Yalu River and was a part of fierce combat in the Chosin Reservoir. Received the Combat Infantryman Badge. Attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

Donald Williams – Navy Aviator with 4 Vietnam tours on the USS Enterprise. Was awarded 32 Air Strike medals and numerous other decorations. Was selected as an Astronaut making two flights in outer space. Attained the rank of Captain


In the near future Dr. Stalk plans to build 900 units for homeless veterans in the valley to be used as transitional residences. Locally it is estimated there are 1,350 homeless veterans living on the streets, likely more. It is an understatement to say Arnold Stalk is a determined advocate for our less fortunate veterans.

Plan to join us for the interesting meeting which falls directly in line with our mission statement to support all service members veterans and their families.