Veterans Club Officer, Past President, and Chief of Staff, Bill Campbell passed away on December 26th, 2018.
He was one of the most prolific members of the Veterans Club /Board of Directors. Much of the growth in membership and programming can be credited to Bill Campbell during his three years as President of the club. His leadership added passion and enthusiasm to our meetings. He set the standard for how to run “first class” club meetings.
Bill was one of the originators (with Steve McCarthy) of SCA Television's "Freedom is not Free". His personal mission was to chronicle veteran’s stories that would otherwise go untold for current and future generations to treasure. DVDs of the interviews are provided to the veteran and are also sent to the WWII museum in New Orleans.
Bill gave his last Freedom Is Not Free update at our December 2018 meeting.
Bill was very proud that he was able to get the French Legion of Honor Medal awarded to some Anthem veterans who fought on French soil during WWII. He spent countless hours gathering and providing the required documentation to the French Embassy for the awarding of the French Legion of Honor Medal. The last eligible veteran was presented with the medal in November 2018.
We salute Bill as a true American Patriot. “God Bless You” Bill. You will be missed
A Memorial Tribute will be held in Hanneman Hall on February 9th commencing at 10 AM.