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Peggy Randle Women Veterans of Nevada


1. BS, Nursing, University of Montana, Missoula, Montana

2. Advanced Severe Burn Treatment, USNH, Bethesda, MD

3. Advanced Surgical Techniques, USNH, Bethesda, MD

4. CCW Training and Permit, Arizona and Texas

5. FBI Hostage Negotiator School, Police Academy, Phoenix,\, AZ

6. Adevanced Critical Incident Communications, Police Academy, Phoenix, AZ


1. US Navy 1955 - 1968

1. Tempe Police Department,Tempe,AZ 1980 - 2000


1. WVON - Women Veterans of Nevada - 15 years

2. WAVES National - Life Member

3. Nevada Gems Women Of The Sea Services

4. Associates of Vietnam Veterans - Life Member

5. Veterans Of Foreign Wars Auxillary - Life Member

6. NVAL - Nevada Veterans Assistance League - Vice Chairman

7. Nevada Veterans Foundation Board - Fisher House

8. WVON Ceremonial Team - Founder

9. Disabled American Veterans - Life Member

10. Patriot Guard Riders

11. Patriot Guard Riders Funeral Escort Bridge Flag Line - Coordinator

12. Nevada State Veterans Home Internal Review Board - Chairman

13. Nevada State Veterans Home Volunteer - 12 Years

14. Blue Star Mothers - Associate

15. Gold Star Wives

16. Homeless and Indigent Veterans Funeral Services - 15 Years

17. Nevada Veteran of the Month - July 2018

18. Nevada Department of Veteran Services Veterans In Care Program - Team Leader

19. Veteran Funeral Protocol Family Counseling

20. Nevada Honor Flight - Septermber 2018

21. Fox 5 "Shining Star" Award 2017

22. Fox 5 "The Unforgotten" 2018

23. Veterans Cemetery Volunteer Committee - 12 years

24. Veteran Action Group Board - Veterans Day Parade

25. Order of Eastern Star - Life Member

I will be speaking on several of the foregoing activities to include the Veterans Cemetery, the Veterans Home, and the Patriot Guard Riders.