Because of the ongoing Covid Virus meeting restrictions, our original speaker, Colonel Peck, has been postponed and will be held in the future when we can have normal meetings once again. We are going to have a modified meeting with a Quilts of Valor presentation. Our speaker will be Bonnie Meadows, coordinator of the SCA Quilters for Veterans regarding the history of the Quilts of Valor program
Our in-person attendance is limited to 50 people, reservations only.
We will be using and on-line platform, GoToMeeting, so everyone else can watch the meeting at home on your computer. Watch for further details about reservations and log-on instructions for GoToMeeting site.
September 8th Meeting Attendance Reservations Required
There are 20 seats available by reservation only. If you would like to attend the meeting in-person, please call Phil Simmons at 702-263-0081 to reserve your seat. Attendees should enter the Anthem Center at the Fitness Center entrance, must wear a mask or face shield, and show your SCA membership card in order to be admitted.
Other members can virtually view the meeting on the platform GoToMeeting. Instructions on how to join the meeting will be sent a few days before the meeting and will also be found on the Veterans Club website at
We look forward to “seeing” you all again.