Veterans Day Program
Wednesday, November 11, 2020 11:00 am
Moment of Silence Debbie Glazier, President SCA Veterans Club
Welcome Remarks Debbie Glazier
Presentation of Colors Philip Citron, USMC, Commander, SCA Color Guard
Color Guard Members: George Price USN; Sydney Ingram USN; Steve Ehrmann USAF; Ray Atkisson USN; Jerry Jones USAF; Arnie Mallinger USA
Pledge of Allegiance Led by Phil Simmons, SCA Veterans Club Director
Song, "The Star Spangled Banner" Rheda Fisher
Introduction of Featured Speaker Art Lindberg, SCA Veterans Club Director
Featured Speaker Steven McCarthy, Lt. Colonel (ret) US Army
Photo Album, highlighting pictures of our SCA Veterans
Salute to the Armed Forces Performed by the SCA Choraliers; Conductor: Dick Fields Sopranos: Christine Conway, Virginia Dien, Nicole Duffel, Naty Go, Sharon Howe. Altos: Vaunetta Darthard, Beth Fung, Gloria Guaraldi, Ronnie Savino Tenors: Craig Carrell, Richard Guaraldi, Bernie Thompson Basses: Ralph Durgin, Jim Howe , Sound Engineer: Jim Howe Sound Cue Operator: Deb Winiewicz
In Memoriam Sydney Ingram, USN George Price USN
Song, "God Bless America" Gail Beckman
Closing Remarks Debbie Glazier
Special Thanks to all who participated in today's program The Staff and Crew of SCA TV Sun City Anthem Community Assn. Board of Directors, Activities Staff and Facilities Staff SCA Veterans Club Board of Directors and volunteers