Commander Jorvig served on active duty for 23 years a Naval Aviator flying the S-3A Viking, aircraft carrier based, anti-submarine warfare aircraft. In addition to deployments while assigned to S-3 squadrons, he had sea-going tours as a catapult officer onboard the USS Constellation, CV-64 and as weapons officer onboard the USS Independence, CV-62. CDR Jorvig’s shore-based tours included serving as an S-3 replacement squadron instructor; S-3 Operational Test and Evaluation; Force Communications Officer, Commander Naval Air Forces, Pacific and finally Naval Junior ROTC (NJROTC) Area Manager for Area 9, Chicago, IL and Area 11 San Diego, CA. Since his retirement in 1994, CDR Jorvig has served as the Senior Naval Science Instructor at high schools in El Paso, TX and Milwaukee, WI. He has been the Senior Naval Science Instructor at Clark High School in Las Vegas since January 2007.